
Frances Bonacci

Frances Bonacci

Dharma Voyage/Tai Chi has given me a centering place to go to especially during these trying times. It’s been 10 years since I started and it’s become a part of my life, not just a class I go to. We all share “tai chi-isms” and laugh a lot in which is great!

Meeting new friends has been one of the nicest parts of tai chi. While I mostly like to practice with our group, I also practice with Liza and Ernesta when the group doesn’t meet. We collectively try to remember everything you said in class and help each other with sticking points. I also practice on my own and especially like being near water. My practice has evolved over time and continues to do so. Some days are better than others. On days when I feel like it’s flowing I think, “I’ve got this!” Other days, I wonder where it went. I have to then remind myself it’s part of the process. Your lessons during class and now online have been formative in helping to keep us focused and continuing to move forward. 
